Traditional thatching of temple roof
-Observing roof replacement of a national treasure temple
The replacement work is only implemented once every 50 years, which is almost once in a lifetime experience.
This is an opportunity to observe a traditional roof replacement project.
-Zen meditation
This is a venerable and valuable tradition of temples culture that is still practiced in the modern days.
Zazen is a Buddhist practice. It is a Buddhist practice of sitting in an upright posture to unify the mind and look at ourselves.
Please try it, as if you were a monk.

Zen meditation

“Shojin ryori” breakfast
-Breakfast at the Temple
Having a meal without meat and fish, what is called shojin ryori, is derived from Buddhist teaching.
It is not just to eliminate meat and fish, but also to decorate the dish with colorful vegetables as well as containing well-considered nutritional balance.
Konan City in Shiga Prefecture is about an hour's drive from Kyoto Station.
It is a city characterized with abound nature and with few tourists, making it a perfect area to spend a relaxing time.
In Konan City, there are several national treasure temples passing down for over 1,300 years.
Please immerse yourself in the authentic Japanese style at the temple.
Your mind and body will be detoxed.